Violet Sky

This elegant cocktail, named Violet Sky, is a delightful mix of gin, maraschino, lemon juice, and a hint of creme de violette. The floral notes from the creme de violette complement the tartness of the lemon juice, creating a well-balanced and refreshing drink. Served in a chilled cocktail glass and garnished with a twist of lemon, this cocktail is perfect for any occasion.

Violet Sky

Violet Sky is an elegant, well-balanced cocktail featuring gin, maraschino, lemon juice, and a hint of creme de violette, garnished with a twist of lemon.

4.60 from 87 votes


  • 1.50 oz Gin
  • 0.50 oz Maraschino
  • 0.50 oz Freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 0.25 oz Creme de Violette
  • 1 lemon twist


  1. Shake the gin, maraschino, lemon juice, and creme de violette together with ice in a shaker.
  2. Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass.
  3. Garnish the drink with a twist of lemon.