French Sunshine Delight

This Vin D'Orange cocktail is a delightful blend of fruity rose wine, zesty oranges, and a touch of vodka and brandy. It's a refreshing and citrusy fortified wine that brings a taste of French sunshine to any occasion.

French Sunshine Delight

A fruity and citrusy fortified wine cocktail with the flavors of oranges and rose wine, perfect for sipping on a sunny day.

4.43 from 27 votes


  • 3 cups rose wine
  • 4 large oranges
  • 2/3 cup caster sugar
  • 3 1/3 tbsp vodka
  • 1 2/3 tbsp brandy


  1. Peel the skin of 2 oranges and dry the peel in a warm place.
  2. Juice the peeled oranges and reserve the juice.
  3. Roughly chop the remaining 2 oranges and place them, along with the dried peel and juice, in a large jar.
  4. Add the rose wine to the jar and cover it. Let it sit in a cool cupboard for 3 weeks.
  5. Remove the solids and return the liquid to the jar, then add the sugar, vodka, and brandy.
  6. Cover the jar and shake it daily for a week to dissolve the sugar.
  7. Strain the mixture through muslin into a jug, then pour it into a bottle or decanter.
  8. Serve the cocktail chilled and enjoy the taste of French sunshine in every sip.