Chilled Port Breeze

A refreshing and vibrant frozen cocktail, the Chilled Port Breeze combines the rich flavors of port and the sweet, fruity notes of WKD. With a hint of orange, this frozen concoction is the perfect choice for sipping on warm days or lively gatherings. The frozen blend of port, WKD, and crushed ice creates a delightful chill that will surely impress your guests.

Chilled Port Breeze

A delightful frozen cocktail that combines the richness of port, the sweetness of WKD, and a hint of orange for a vibrant and refreshing sip.

4.01 from 38 votes


  • 1.70 oz Port
  • 1 bottle of WKD
  • 1 Orange
  • Crushed Ice


  1. Pour 1.7 oz of port into an ice cube tray and fill the rest with WKD. Freeze overnight.
  2. Use a peeler to garnish the orange with some of its rind, then juice the orange.
  3. Blend the frozen port, WKD, and ice, then add the remaining WKD and blend again.
  4. Pour the mixture into a large glass and garnish with the prepared orange.